The Pottery Showdown is Back
Written: 25 April 2017
The Contemporary Craft Festival is excited to announce that, by popular demand, The Pottery Showdown will return to this year's programme of festival highlights. And this time... it's war! Stars from the hit BBC series, The Great Pottery Throwdown will be going head-to-head with members of the public in rounds of fun clay-based challenges, set by judge Kevin Millward.
But this year, there will be more suspense as Season One favourites 'Major' Tom and Jim Ransom take on Season Two's Freya Bramble-Carter and Richard Parker to see who can come out on top as the star to win the most challenges.
During the Throwdown, daily challenges will be set to test visitors’ skills with clay and potters’ wheels, which have been generously supplied by Potclays from Stoke on Trent.
Anyone can take part. So if you fancy taking on Freya, 'Major' Tom, Jim or Richard at a Pottery Showdown of your own, register today. It's FREE to take part you simply need to book your place.
The Pottery Showdown is presented in association with Potclays, Schumacher College, Dartington and Simple Things magazine.
To Book your free place on the Pottery Throwdown and your Festival tickets CLICK HERE